Abdominal Ultrasound
Ultrasound is a non/minimally-invasive method of imaging the soft tissue organs in the abdomen and to obtain guided tissue biopsies or fluid samples.
It can be used for pregnancy diagnosis or more specialised procedures, for example investigation of abdominal discomfort, gastrointestinal disease, liver disease, urinary tract disease and the diagnosis of some congenital abnormalities.
Ultrasonography is usually part of more extensive investigations into illness and will often be accompanied by blood tests and radiographs.
When your animal is admitted for an abdominal ultrasound scan, we usually advise to withhold food from the night before, but your pet should have free access to water.
A mild sedation is usually administered to alllow the patient to relax.
In order to perform the ultrasound scan we will have to clip a sometimes rather large patch of fur to allow optimum contact between the probe and the skin for best picture quality.
If you want to know more about this service please feel free to chat to any of our vets or qualified nurses.