All major surgical and medical procedures are carried out at our Oak Farm Surgery.
Our 24 hour Inpatient Care and Out of Hour Emergency Service also run from here.
There is a dedicated surgical theatre and separate facilities for minor operations and ‘dirty’ ops (dentals, ear cleaning, abscess draining etc) in another room.
Medical procedures, like endoscopy and ultrasound scanning are now carried out in the new medical ward.
The surgery boasts state of the art Ultrasound equipment, Video Endoscopy, Digital x-ray and a fully equipped laboratory.
Our in house MRI scanner is situated within the Oak Farm courtyard in a separate building.
The kennel areas have been extended so we now have a ward for smaller dogs and a separate ward for large breed dogs with walk in kennels. There is a dedicated isolation kennel area for patients that need to be barrier nursed.
We have a dedicated medical ward for non-surgical inpatients.
To maximise our inpatients’ comfort we have installed Casco Well Kennels.
The kennels are made out of toughened glass to reduce noise created by the standard stainless steel kennels.
All kennels have adjustable internal lightning, which is the same frequency as daylight to assist during our patients’ recovery.
The light can be switched to red during the night which reduces patient disturbance (dogs can’t see red light).
There is an integrated warm spot in the kennel which is set to “lap temperature”
A biometric blue light function ensures thorough cleaning by showing up any biological staining.
Cats are now housed in the separate cat clinic. The cat clinic is equipped with Gold standard cat kennels and helps reduce the stress of hospitalization by providing a calm environment away from noisy dogs.
All animals that are admitted for an overnight stay are looked after by our night nurse and on call vet here at the Oak Farm surgery.